Standing Behind the Curtain, Seeing Beneath the Mask
Come, enter the world behind the curtain,
Were the joy is diluted by the pain
Where the smiles are not constant and not everything is certain.
This is how I look when I shed the act,
This is me when I unfasten the mask,
This is insecure, imperfect, genuine, broken, and cracked,
Scared, and
I ache to come out from under my shroud,
My shroud, a safety blanket, self-imposed,
It shields me, it suffocates me, it grows and grows and grows and grows.
But if I drop the shroud, and come out from behind my curtain,
I am vulnerable,
Because I put my true self on the line.
If I am free from the curtain, I am imprisoned by myself,
And by my insecurity and pain,
That I use the mask to cover,
That I use the curtain to hide.