Stain Spangled Banner (Lyrics)
Oh say can’t you see Ms. Liberty?
You should be bending down on your knees,
bending over backwards,
Begging Please
Begging that your babies stop being shot in the streets
Begging that your babies stop being detained at the boarder
Begging that your babies stop being oppressed for their differences
their sexuality, their gender
You can’t bare fruit if you freeze the blossoms before they flower
but my dear, how could you see?
By the dawn’s early light that
your land lays rest to men who believe they can
turn water into wine,
spin gold from twine
When you won’t let your most natural bounty grow
What so proudly we hailed as a new start,
hope, freedom, this American Dream
which never availed
just a pipe dream,
gutted clean and locked inside a white picket fence
where a TV loops re-runs of The Andy Griffith Show
And at the twilight’s last gleaming
you doused the sparkle in a Syrian boy’s eye
when you let your guys in green drone bomb his home
It was an accident
You say
for through the perilous fight
your broad stripes and bright stars are gallant,
streaming through the air, combusting at first contact
and gleaming in the blood of fallen bodies
You won’t watch o'er those ramparts though
You built up those walls
To you that flesh, those bones
just statistics,
yearly collateral to shovel back in a file cabinet in a dusty room
The rockets’ red glare still isn’t bright enough
even though the blood smears their nozzles when they reach the insurgents,
the enemy, the terrorists,
the other human beings split to shreds
The bombs, not only do they burst in that air,
they parade through the minds of believing
who have bought into your lie,
the proof that if our flag is still there,
everything gets your executive stamp of approval
So Lady Liberty, oh say do you see that star spangled banner waving?
Are you free?
Do you feel brave?
Do you know who your land belongs to anymore?