Spooning with her ghost
Spooning with a Ghost
She is my muse
And I never lose
The chills but I’m not afraid
Because she loves me
Jealously I only worry
What will happen when I die
And her spirit is left with no one
I love how she touches me
I love her company each night
I want her to be in my dreams when
I’m sleeping I can feel her breath
But I can’t ever look into her eyes
I can only pretend she has a hand to hold
Why couldn’t I have known?
I should have known
I’ll have to spend my life
Wondering if she’s really there
Worry about what she will do
When my soul moves on
Why will she walk the earth forever?
She wasn’t done living
She was in pain in her body
For the want of life
Please God take her when she is ready
But for now leave her here in my arms
Where she once may have belonged
Leave her here for me to hold and behold
Spooning with her ghost
Let the angels light her path because I may not know it