Spinning Gold
At night, alone in darkness deep
The millers daughter begins to weep
Make what appears worthless, priceless
Turn the bare threads of straw into glittering gold
The King's heart is filled with hunger strong
He has not allowed her very long
Given this time, transform it
Add to my kingdom a source of neverending wealth
Spinning, whirring, turning,
hour upon hour
Her life is turned on a spinning wheel
Stretching, refining, and redefining
But she cannot make it gold
In the darkness of the this place
Appears a strange, mysterious face
A nameless man with a stranger skill
The only knowledge that can save her life, her precioius life
One thing he asks- what will she give in exchange for her life?
A necklace
So he shows her
Spinning, turning,whirring
hour upon hour
Straw is turned on a spinning wheel
Stetching, refining, and re-defining
Until the magic creates gold
In the morning, a room filled with golden light
The King discovers a treasure, he believes it is his right
Greed overtakes him once again
Now that his hands have touched this gold he must touch it again
One things he asks-what will she give in exchange for her life?
A Ring
And so he shows her
Spinning, turning, whirring
hour upoun hour
Streaching, refining, and re-defining
Her future is turned on a spinning wheel
In hopes it will somehow end up gold
The King's heart is filled with the pride of life
One more test, this poor daughter will be wife
If she can satisy his hunger just once more
Of seeing his storehourse filled with shimmering, shining gold
And so the nameless man appears:
One thing he asks, one thing he requires- what will she give in exchange for her life?
" I have nothing left to give."
Slowly emerging a smile appears on his peppered face
Filled with knowledge, with power
" One thing I ask, if you love your life. Your firstborn child shall be mine."
The millers daughter pauses,
What choice had she?
What future awaited-one who was
valued only for what she could produce
" Yes"
And so she watches him all night long
Spinning, whirring, turning
hour upon hour
Straw is spinned on a spinng wheel
Streching, refining, and re-defining
Until the magic creates gold
She who once was worthless in this Man's eyes
Is now his jewel, his crown, his prize
For she gave what he wanted
And now he finds that he wants her
The heart of the King filled with greed
Has stumbled upon a greater need
And so they lived together
Spinning, whirring, turning
hour upon hour
Their lives turn on a spinning wheel
Stretching, refining, and re-defining
Until magic creates gold
One beautiful day, a new life arrives
The King's life is changed as he looks in her eyes
For all the joy he had ever known
It all paled on that morning when he held his first child
The Stranger retunrns
One thing he requires- the life of their child.
" Your kingdom is wealthy beyond comparison. You have riches beyond belief.
All of which is due to me."
The Queen weeps, the King is struck
. Then he asks..
" What may I give in exchange for this child? I will lay it down, even up to my own life."
The Stranger laughs, " Can this be? You wretched King- I thought I'd never seen such greed!
The Heart of Stone melted?
If you will not give the child, you must give back all that has been give you and more.
The treasurestores of your kingdom, that have for so long held your heart
Will be mine."
" What is your name?' ask the King
Only a smile
"Do you accept?"
Holding the child in his arms, takes a breath
If he should lose all this world, what would he have left?
He smiled into the eyes of this child he loved
His heart once barren straw had been somehow spun into gold
Spinning, whirring, turning
hour upon hour
A soul is turned on a spinning wheel
Until the magic makes it gold