Of a Spate
A trickling brook ran through a mead,
Its waters clear and cold.
It wound throughout the golden grass
To forge a pathway bold.
And forge a pathway bold it did,
Not only in the mead,
But through the forest, and the rocks
And bogs forever dead.
And stories this small streamlet knows:
Forgotten ancient tales.
Of love and war and hate and more
And everyone who sails.
And also unrecorded things,
Things that history lost.
For often the unwritten things
Are jewels of greatest cost.
Though sea and river large may tell
It that they are better,
Our stream just smiles, gurgles a laugh
As carefree as a bird.
Because the brooklet know secrets
That it will never tell,
And stories worth their weight in pearls
This creek will never sell.
This creek, humble, unsung, unknown,
Content to stay that way,
Deserves more respect that it gets
On any given day.
This unnamed streak of silver-blue,
With waters sleek and starred,
Has travelrd hundreds of miles and more
And flows through my backyard.