Sparkle Return
When all is lost
And you think it’s over
Don’t forget to look over your shoulder
I will be there
To catch you when you fall
To hold you when you cry
To put you together again
Don’t worry I won’t fly
away when I am needed.
I never have before
and I don’t plan to now!
You were there for me.
When I was in need,
even if you didn’t know
I used your energy,
I used your strength.
To strengthen my own
Quite selfishly
But now I will stay
by your side
To see you through
The dark and bright times
Not only to repay a debt
But to be a true friend
I hope to make your eyes sparkle
Even during the hard times
I hope to see the sparkle return
Not because of me but because your life took a turn
A turn for the better, a time to smile
A time to laugh and revel in the past
Sparkle, please come back to her eyes
You see she needs them to be happy and dry
I love her dearly, such a friend as she
Deserves nothing better, now do you see?