A Spark
Each morning starts with a spark
“Thank-you” as each foot steps onto the floor
Remembering that days are better
Starting with gratitude
To-do lists to be checked
Goals to be me
People to see
And dates to be set
Each morning remembering that
Breakfast makes a difference
With payday in four days
And no more cage-free eggs
It’s a day to walk to cranberry hills
Support your local restaurants
Then free coffee on campus
Each morning, another day to play dress up
Sometimes PJ’s and no make up
“But you never know who you’re going to see”
A wise woman once said
So fifteen minutes for self
Make sure to look good for yo self
Each morning, knowing I’m on my way to the top
Independent for the sum up
So many adventures waiting on
But those adventures will never happen
Without my work to make those funds
Applications for financial need
Extra hours to make these checks the best they can be
Essays for courses, school work before the weekend
Clients to work with, practice ones for the real thing
Books to be read, poems and thoughts to be said
Words to be written, music to be sung
Social as can be, most thankful for times I can sit
Each day, more to learn
Slowly seeing as we grow
Living life with questions
Finding answers in small messes,
All the while, finding color
There’s a lot to be done
When the sun comes up
And it ain’t gonna happen, if I don’t get up