Soul sighting

Tue, 10/23/2018 - 19:33 -- KNim

Hate is all around us

Thick and thin

through the smog that chokes us

the breath we let out from that uncomfortable moment

or that time we watched as we fell to the floor


The fog that kicks in 

that surrounds us from the moment we mingle

the moment we expand 


Love can break that wall of yours

That person looks back at you with a sigh that could rival thunderstorms

And don't you think I've tried?

They trudge away, to the shadows, not towards the light


So they dance, light steps of silver, fading to bronze as it descends 

petals that crown their hair

letters that pile up in their mailbox

sheets of white trimmed with gold


feathers fall in spirals

and they sing a lonely tune

a forgotten lullaby of the past

can only be for the moon


As the clouds cover up the spectre

in its otherworldly threads

it clasps its hands together

for he, who is she, is they, who is they


This poem is about: 
Our world


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