Sonorous Synesthesia -- A Colorless Dream
I drift through an endless space, reacquainting myself again
With the parallel black lines
Stacked on top of each other with infallible precision
In a backdrop of a cream filling, rich as buttercream topping on a cake
I weave through these 2 dimensional lines, embellishing its plain structure
With whimsical ovals, top hats, and droopy rectangles
I then sculpt gentle curves over my cursory doodles, sloping like the rolling California hills
I deftly draw the remaining details — alligator’s mouths sans teeth, dots, teepees, and wheelchair ramps
As these shapes oddly connect, I listen for the contour
Beginning scarce, fragile as a thin wine glass on a high-set table
slowly building until it’s
solid as a brick in heavy winds
starting loud as the ice maker in the witching hour
tapering off until it’s
silent as an unwound clock
I feel a thumping in my eager heart
thumps at 80 beats per minute
One large downbeat to be divided in 3
I hear shifting frequencies
at 440 Hertz
Changing in descending fifths
Then in increasing minor thirds, each rising note exactly 10 cents flat of the perfect pitch
Finally modulating into minor through stair steps and an elongated fermata
I feel the stave, silky as my down comforter
I touch the subtle, rounded protrusions of notes
Cutting myself on the sharp edge of a pesky quarter rest
My calloused feet swipe along the off-white ground
Grainy as crayon on an unfurnished table
The microscopic grooves familiar as my kitchen tile
Warm, slippery, freshly printed ink seeps onto my outstretched fingers
And I inhale the musty scent of 1938 brass, calling to me from another world
Indicating my work is finished, and I am to return
I slip out of my whiting reverie
And turn to the corner where my instruments lay
ready to perform