A Soldier's Fight
My alarm goes off too soon
I hit the snooze button to put life on hold for a few more minutes
I get out of bed, start the coffee, get dressed
I already dread the day ahead
A day filled with meaningless tasks and mundane meetings
I miss the purpose I had down range
Leading my platoon into the unknown
Driving for hours never knowing what lay ahead
Depending on my teammates to bring me home
Praying with all my strength that God would take me instead
What is my purpose? What is my place in this world?
I ask myself everyday and never find an answer
There has to be more than this
There has to be a bigger purpose than this
I talk to my family and wish I could be home
My grandfather is dying and I can’t be there to see him go
Why am I doing this? What is the purpose in this?
They said that I would love it; that I would make my family proud
But all I feel is that I have let them down
I am a Soldier, I have to keep on fighting
But when will the fighting stop?
It’s supposed to be easier at home, but it’s not
What is my purpose? What is my place in this world?
I pray that I will find out before it’s too late