Smile For Me And For You
How are you today
I am great
Are you?
You show a smile
I think you look nice with it
I don't think you know how beautiful you are
I know
I'm smart
But in my own way
But I am better at reading a persons face
Are they sad?
When I cry in public
I dislike how others crowd me telling me it's okay
I know it is
That's why I don't cry in front of others
Let alone cry
I smile
Because I know that that is how I can make others smile back
It's instinct
I enjoy smiling
I hate to hurt
And I don't let others hurt me
I'm too smart to
If you know what I mean
I am not depressed
I am almost never mad
I can be frustrated
I can be sad
But I am always happy
I will always smile
Will you?
Will they?
I hope so
I really do
If you smile at me
I will always smile back at you
Are you feeling okay?
Emotionally I mean
I feel fine
Do you?
I think you are
But then again
Maybe your not
Who am I to Judge
I'm just a watcher
A sympathizer
A smiler
A fighter
Are you?
If not
Try harder
I know you can
I am trying to smile at you now
All you need to do
Is smile back at me
It's easier than you think
Trust in me