Skin (an original poem)
Skin is the name for the outer shell that wraps you body so well
Its what you see everyday when you look in the mirror
Some what it to be lighter, darker, and clearer but me..Sometimes I hate my skin
Its a battle sometimes living with the young women within my skin
Always afraid of what others might thing “She’s too dark..she’s too thin” so I try to do what most people would do and… try to blend in
Ashamed of what I see on the outside hoping that others don’t pay attention to when my pride resides
I want them to see the inside of me and not judge my features and consider that as my personality
Get to know me before you judge because what you see on the outside is just the cover of the book
Instead explore the book and take a close look at its contents..
You see I don’t have a problem with my brown skin but its how I’ve been hate what God created but when he made me he saw the perfect vision
So yes I struggle and at times its an uphill battle but more and more I learn to embrace my heritage be it my skin, natural hair and full lips
Whatever the problem is..I will one day be victorious
- © Raven Allen 2014