Simply Me
The makeup we put on,
A barrier and shield,
Going to the beauty salon,
Concealing until we are gone.
A world of of smartphones,
Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram,
We see ourselves as the perfect clone,
A version of ourselves we share alone.
I don't buy into it.
Blemishes, scars, beak-like-nose,
They can't cover my wit.
I don't hate them one bit.
I may decide to make a funny face,
Cross my eye and scrunch my lips.
Sometimes I need a change of pace,
Finding my own form of grace.
Who am I?
Artist, Musician, Scientist
I love to watch movies that make me cry
I hate having to be the bad guy.
I don't understand why I need to change,
For him, her or you.
To you I might be acting strange,
But keeping it inside isn't something I can arrange.
I am simply me,
Smart, crazy, creative.
But you know the biggest key?
I don't need filters to feel free.