Simple Me
I was a PB&J kid.
Yes, by that I mean
that I liked peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
But I also mean that I was, and still am,
An S Personality Type.
I don’t like change; same- old- same- old is best,
Or as Uncle Tim would say with his crooked teeth-
“Don’t fix what ain’t broke.”
Uncle Tim lived in Alabama.
Ma, Baby Sadie and I saw him a lot
the year we moved there
-The year we moved in with Grammy Jill.
It was sad to say goodbye
to my familiar preschool room
with my familiar trio of friends.
It was also sad to say goodbye to our house:
The kitchen with sunshine-yellow cabinets
The hole in the off- white blinds in my room
(I always looked out at the cul-de-sac through it).
It was hard to say goodbye to
the willow tree in the backyard
that was my secret shady oasis in the summer,
and ice cave in the winter.
It was hard to say goodbye to
The neighborhood cat Maury-
a stray, but part of all of the neighborhood’s families at heart
The creak on the seventh step
The smell of baby powder in the hall,
coming from the nursery.
It was also sad to say goodbye to daddy,
Especially since I thought it was goodbye ‘till dinner
-dinner that we ate in the car
on the way to Alabama-
To move…To change our lives…
To not live our same-old same-old way.