Silent Voices

They see but do not hear

Voices raised only to be silenced

“They do it for fame or attention, they do it just because-”

“There’s no such thing as racism in this world anymore.”

These voices are raised only to be silenced

They shout, they scream, they all tell a history


Of struggled of pain, of the injustice of equality

Yet met with the indifference and denied validity

This injustice festers, seeping into every pore

While blind eyes claim they’ve seen this all before


The echoes of anguish reverberate loud,

From past generations, a sorrowful shroud.

Their stories buried, their truths brushed aside,

Their battles for justice and equality,are all equally denied


But the flames they ignited refuses to let out

It blazes anew, refusing to be contained.

Each voice that’s been silenced finds strength in the crowd

All allies stand tall, their conviction unbowed.


For Black lives matter, a resounding decree,

An anthem for justice, for all to see

It’s not just a movement, it’s and ongoing fight,

To dismantle an unfair system that hinders what’s right


So hear and truly listen, lt empathy regin

For change starts with acknowledging the pain

Together we march, together we stand

Towards a future where everything is fair.



This poem is about: 
My community
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