Silenced Roses
Another petal hits the floor
what do you want my innocence my pride
the walk is no longer the same, the smile is all pain
daytime is his savior cause the monsters never came
so in the light he stays dreading the night
Another petal shedding bruised by might
midday comes and the room starts to shake
sobbing to himself he knows his fate
sitting and thinking and feeling the ache
a bruised battered body his soul, in rage
tonight will be different, it wont be the same
the shaking of the room driving him insane
he clings to his covers and closes his eyes
but to no surprise his thighs begin to tingle, he cries
Another petal snagged falling wayside
Sleep came and took him deep
Setting him up for the monsters heat
a sickening grin throbs on its face
slithering sliding heavily into his bed
the boy squirms and screams, only in his head
a vice like grip grabs hold of his head pinning him down to only breathe bed
the lock wasn't secure and his faith torn to shreds
he begged and he pleaded until he flourished red
God this can't be, why is this happening to me
he begins to fade into existence as if he were dead
his eyes pierced by the street light that shined so bright
it was the last thing he saw before the monsters might
growls and moans in his ear through the night
just let me go, move, stop, it's not right
solemn cries linger like a featherless bird in flight
a ruined soul, stained by his might
The last petal crumbles
silenced forever was the rose.....that night
- Detric O'Neil