Cue the lights, draw the curtains.
I am the star of the show,
smiling big and bright for everyone to see,
making people laugh, always seeing the better side of me,
never too serious about learning or grades.
When it is over I take my bow and the curtains close,
I take off my makeup and my pretty clothes.
When that is done I take a seat,
automatiically filled with stress and anxiety.
Suddenly I become aware, that everything is too serious.
I shake, I shutter
at the thought of failing
It's then, that I understand why
I hide this part of me, it is too much for even me to bear.
I can feel my body shutting down, who would enjoy me?
Behind the curtain no one sees,
my reality.
One day I will
burn that curtain.
One day I will
be set free.