A Shimmering Oppression
Straighten the hair, perfect the face
Grab the phone and start to pace
Perfection is key
Okay, Aim the phone and say cheese
*click*. upload. done
The facade is up, Put the phone down.
I can’t even look at myself in the mirror
Can’t this be any clearer?
I have so many problems that I can’t breathe
I feel my life begin to seethe
I want out, I want that perfect life
Oh, God where am I going?
Return to my bed, I take a seat
I feel my heart’s steady beat
It cries out Help! Help! But no one hears
They have their own problems to endear
Who can I talk to?
Is there anyone who cares?
The filters are all good
They make me seem perfect
I’m just so misunderstood
Like a ship that has wrecked
I wonder if we are all the same?
If everyone behind the camera has this same pain?
And we are all trying to fake each other out
What is this life really about?
Is it possible to have change?
Or am I stuck on the same train?
Help! Help!
I need to be pulled out
I am drowning in the river with all the other trout
Is there a God who can save me now?
If there is, I want to know how?
How to be saved?