She's an Altar
1. Every time I find myself
Between her legs,
I am praying.
Kneeling on carpet-burned joints.
Pressing palms together with fingers reaching
toward a place of doubt.
And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who
have sinned against us.
Forgive me, for I crave her.
2. Bow your head and stretch your palms outward,
Ready for receiving or giving.
We meditate as remover of obstacles…
I cannot remove her from my veins.
3. Lay your weary body forward.
Make me among those you saved.
I felt at home in a touch that was not for me.
4. Deep breaths. Again.
Who bestows good things upon the unworthy,
and has bestowed upon me every goodness.
I can hear my god all around me, opening my lips to declare
a devotion of arched backs and rushing blood and wonder
if she hears me – hands grasping, eyes closed.