She Wears a Dress
The woman standing about 15 feet away from me is wearing a dress
Black i’m assuming from the edge around her coat
The weather outside is very cold so i don’t know why she’s wearing it
She hugged this girl and it made it seem more like she was doing it because
She would be less of a person because of it
I think she wore her dress to look pretty
Which of course is great for her and i’m happy for her
Because she’s very pretty
Whatever that means
Her nose is like the button noses you hear about
And eyelashes are like the wings of clouds
But the weather right now is 29 degrees and snowing
I wonder if her legs feel like needles and like heavy trunks
She walked away but on the back of her calf was mud
I’m pretty sure she walked in the snow
And that’s how she got it
But didn’t notice
I guess her legs were numb and maybe that’s why she wore the dress