she is to blame
you open your legs wide apart
awaiting the innocent
the thinking cap was not there
you are with a child immune to a disease
like a torch, you passed it down to her
sheds of tears and learning about your disease
you then realized you have H.I.V
yes, you gave it to her
liquids and pills she has to take regularly
in order to live for as long as she could
a date was set
9/11-wouldn't live to the age of 11
(sept 11th was her 11th birthday)
you are the blame for not understanding your actions
your indiscretions kept her confine imprison
in a place behind bars
of no sleep overs
and specialized camps for people like her
you made it so that she cries because she is so different
then you have the audacity to turn around and make it so that her older sister feels bad, a responsibility that was thrown without notice
the older sister wasn't the one who gave her poison that runs all over her bloodstream
you did, you did that
without even imagining appearing in court, you gave her a sentence date
older sister wishes it was her and not her sister
you are to blame for not thinking, putting yourself and her through rough ordeals
older sister loves little sister
you are the blame...............PERIOD
older sister wishes she can switch with both, but it will never happen
you should've been more responsible in the decisions that affected you and your daughters