She and He
She keeps me tossing and turning at night
As he forces me to wake up at first light
She believes in love at first sight
And he strengthens the grip on her kite
She is relentlessly hopeful
Marching instinctively to her own drum,
She assures a life that is never dull
One that is full of love, adventure, and fun
He is cautious and sharp-witted
Having never made an impetuous mistake,
He knows that his decisions are much better fitted
And is unbothered with matters of love and fate
She and He are incompatible enemies
And surely I must be the most desired starship
As they are constantly fighting for control of the keys
Yet with no voice, all I can do is pray the vessel doesn’t tip
Who wins the battle of control?
Feeling or Thinking?
Who is the heroic protagonist?
Who defeats the prideful antagonist?
The one who believes or the one who knows?
She asks these questions, while He merely goes
As He does not care enough to ask
As if it would be a fruitless task
Yet to Her it is an essential fight
She keeps me tossing and turning at night