Shatter the Mirror
Curl my hair and make up my face.
I have to look cute or school is a waste
I'm here for the boys. I'm here to complain.
"Ew science is gross! Math is a pain!"
I'm a small town girl. I'm pretty.
I need to find a boyfriend so he can be witty.
Why would I be judged if they knew I was smart?
Why does my face, not my brain, have to set me apart?
Knowledge is a gift. Science is my passion.
But wait, I can't say that, lets talk about fashion.
I feel a rush like adrenaline in class,
when I finally understand, and ideas come into grasp.
Was I smiling? I hope not. That would make me a nerd.
If I want to be normal, I'll forget these words.
I want to shatter the mirror. I want to close my eyes.
When I change the world, they'll all be surprised.