Shame on You Filter
Shame on you Filter!
For hiding my little mole that I have on my left side
with a lighting that accents the bags under my eyes.
The bags that I try to hide with my beautiful smile.
The bags that are caused by my stress for friends
causing lack of sleep.
Shame on you Filter!
For hiding the true shade of my skin-
not too dark, but not too light-
practically just right.
Make me too dark and I'd start a fight.
Shame on you Filter!
For making girls everywhere feel that filters..
only filters.. are the only way to have beauty
For giving boys false hope on what a pretty girl
truly looks like;
one that is two shades lighter and has light freckles
on one side of her face.
Shame on you Filter!
We shall boycott you and show the world who we really are;
beautiful people with the ability to be individuals-
to practice being our true selves and not Barbie and Ken.
Shame on you Filter!
We can not wait unitl you reach your very end.