Shadow Friends
Shadows are my friends,
Keeping me hidden from judging eyes.
Blanketing me with promise of safety,
And protection of hatred.
If I can't be seen by anybody,
Then I can't be hurt by them.
If I can stay with my friends
I won't have to say anything,
I won't have to lie,
I won't have to fake a smile,
I won't have to force a laugh.
No, the shadows can protect me.
They won't push me away.
They won't criticize my problems,
Nor tell me that I have no reason to be the way I am.
They'll leave me alone,
To think of my world.
They'll leave me alone with it all.
My darkened thoughts,
My unshed tears.
It will leave me to face my fears.
The shadows will keep me.
Keep me hidden away,
For my own safety,
For my long forgotten way.
So don't act surprised when I can't be found,
Even if you've looked around,
Cause I seek the shadows to hide me,
Hide me away for eternity.