Sensible Cindy
We all know the story of Cinderella
Snuck out, lost a shoe and met a fella
They change the story as time went by
But I have the non-fiction, refreshing lines
She did sneak out, she lost the heel,
Yet she did not marry nor did she feel
The same for the prince, she thought he was crazy!
Wanting to wed her, not to mention, he was lazy!
When he came to her house, she tried on the shoe
Just a day after the ball, nobody knew
Why marriage was needed
The girls were mad, but not as Cinderella
“You don’t even know me! Just my shoe size!
I don’t own a gown, don’t dismiss my lies!”
How could he love her and even search for her feet?
Out of all the girls, who took a seat,
Why couldn’t one of their sizes meet
His crazy expectation and desire to marry
“I’ll do anything for you, I’ll change my name to Harry!”
He said with starry eyes and obviously mommy issues
“Marry one of my sisters, they’re even offering you a tissue.”
The sister nodded as they bashfully were handing it to him
“I don’t need you, I only needed the night.
I’m stuck in this house, you get me right?
You’re a prince, you have duties to fulfill
I know you slack,
But cut me some slack! I do not wish to go with you
In fact I’ll go on my own and won’t be wooed.”
She left with respect while her sister’s drooled
Her stepmother was angry but confused
You thought Cindy easily fell in love
But even princesses can be like doves
Independent, pure and wise
And won’t stop for just any guy.