They told her she could sing
She didn’t really hear it
She figured she could carry a tune
But she didn’t feel special
They told her she was smart
She didn’t really think so
She figured she got decent grades
But she knew there were plenty better
They told her she was athletic
She never really believed them
She figured she played a lot of sports
But she never associated herself with the athletes
She told herself she was ugly
That she had no real friends
If she did her eyes wouldn’t be so red
And she wouldn’t have to stare at that bottle of pills
She told herself she was useless
That no one needed her here
That she deserved the loneliness she felt inside
Because it was her fault that he left
She told herself that she’d be better off gone.
I wish I had told her how much I needed her
So she would stay a little longer
I could have wiped some of the tears
Let her know she was loved
I wish I had told her joy comes in the morning
That the sun rises after even the darkest nights
That God could handle even this
That she is beautiful.
I wish I had told her the promise I saw in her life
So she could have seen her future as bright
So she could have known that he did not leave because of her
I wish I could have told her that she was the best friend I ever had.
They tell me I can sing.