The Secrets we Keep
Daddy drives around the block,
his silver flask in hand.
He takes a swig of liquor
to help him with the pain.
While Mum sits on the patio,
puffing on a cig.
She knows that sixth months in
she’s not allowed to smoke
but just can’t quit or cope.
And Brother hides up in his room,
thumbing through the magazine
that he keeps beneath his bed.
his other hand is busy , yet
pleasure leads to guilt instead.
Thus little Sister’s left alone,
craving attention from them all.
No one seems to notice her
'till cat and doggy disappear;
but their absence isn’t met with love,
only fright and fear.
Alone they keep their secrets,
like a sick and twisted game,
But they can’t see that all together
they are hurting just the same.
So they suffer silently,
to some it seems a joke,
but how can one emerge ok
from a house that is so broke.