Second Chances
How many second chances are we given on a day to day basis? Second chances are good, but not when the first chance was lazily wasted. Chances give us opportunites to improve...but at what bitter cost? They teach us that we can try again, even when we've lost.
While it's a good thing to have another chance, it kind of teaches us that we don't have to try. If we don't work hard the first time and put effort into the first chance, then why should we even apply? There's nothing wrong with a second chance, but when we know that we'll have more chances, we typically don't try as hard the first time.
Things we test on such as ACT, SAT, and driving tests in life, teach us that we can try again if we don't pass the test the first time. While second chances are good, they teach us we can be lazy for a few chances and still turn out to be fine.
But what work ethic is this producing if we don't work hard and wisely use our time? We have the freedom and chance to create something great. But we'll never know how far we'll go if we don't work hard before it's too late.
Don't waste your chances. Learn from the first time and work your hardest.