School's out!
"No more school!"
The children shout around me
It's summer again at home
Time for relaxing
and reading
and friends
and fun.
But not for some.
"No more school!"
I imagine them shouting at those girls.
They may never again see home.
A time for panic,
and for government action
and of loss
and fear
This is their "break".
I went to school last week,
And then I came back.
It was normal in the US.
This was a time for a deep breath,
Some news
Some reality
Some shock.
Because for some,
They went to school,
And they were rounded up like cattle
Not a normal time in Nigeria.
For what they may have to endure,
The abuse
The mistreatment
The rape
They should never have received this for wanting an education.
Bring Back Our Girls