This School Ain't Cool
Technology is cool when
you see it on TV, hear about it
on the radio, but we just spent
too much money for shit
that we don't need.
The fancy calculators, the dumb
electronic boards, the stupid amount
of money spent and they still can't get
Microsoft Word 2007 on the computers
in the lab.
The teachers here would like it a lot more
if they didn't have to suffer from
taking five different subjects,
teaching all four classes from freshman to senior
in everything. They need a break too.
Just hire some new teachers already.
We live in a divided society, but
please don't repeat that divide
in our school. This isn't chess; there
is no black and white with people.
Help out
the poor kids who never
had a chance to do
what the rich kids do
in class. Or did you forget
old Ben and equality in education.
Let's fix the school, cause
I don't want to come back
and see my school as nothing
more than broken concrete on the ground.