Scholarship Rejection
Scholarship Rejection
Play this game
Write these words
Jump through this hoop
Now do five push-ups
Say the alphabet backwards
Lick the dew off a flower pedal
Dress up in clothes I can’t afford
Talk to a panel with my hair in a bun
I am poor
I am smart
I have gifts like compassion
I am talented in art
My SAT score is 1820
3.8 GPA
I am a pretty good friend
Not a politician
I will not go into finance or law
Just want to bring to others what they never notice
The beauty in front of them
It’s all around
Colors, light, healing shades, brilliant blended tones
Strong lines
I can make paintings
I can help people see
But But But
It’s just art
So no, I don’t get the scholarship
I may say, but but but
Education is a right
A basic need
Education helps us know how
To feed
Clothe the family
Should be free
I would appreciate it as I always have
I want to study
And give
I want knowledge
to create something
add to the world
higher education
I was born poor
I am smart
I will make something more