Be careful my brothers and sisters how you see your opposite sex, they
appear like Angel's, and sometimes end up being the devil himself.
"Be Careful"
You steal my heart~I'm glad you did that
You restore my joys~I'm happy for that
You sacrifice your happiness for mine~I'm bless for that
You give me true love~I appreciate that
You are willing to live the rest of your life with me~I pretend like I'm not seeing that
You trust me~but I don't
You says sorry even when I'm wrong~I bluff with that
You ask me if I really love you~and I lie
You are real~I'm fake
You believe I'm the person~I'm deceiver
You think you know me well~I'm deeper
You think I'm different~I'm worse
You only ask for smiles in return~I give you tears.
This is the person I am, a "human".
Writer ©Agaphy