Scatterplot of Thoughts
7 men picking vegetables, each with a unique, beautiful, human story; completely unaffected by the lingering clouds.
Every being is interconnected, each atom communicates with its molecular brethren. We each are made of the same building blocks, but vibrate at our own frequency.
Once our minds find freedom and obtain a sustainable vibrating frequency, the world is ours to enjoy, be a part of, and tend to.
As a society, we must put constraints upon ourselves, as well as others. This is an unfortunate fact, but a fact of life nonetheless.
“In all practical and especially in political matters we hold human freedom to be a self-evident truth, and it is upon this axiomatic assumption that laws are laid down in human communities, that decisions are taken, that judgments are passed” (Arendt 35).
7 men work together, each respecting the others sovereignty, keeping the greater good in mind.
If we allow absolute freedom, we will live in absolute chaos.
“Society must protect the robbed and punish the robber” (King 217).
The process is simple, if you wish to have freedom exert its force upon you, liberate your mind and freedom will ensue. Despite the simplicity of the process, liberation itself is an arduous task and requires effort in all fields of academia.
7 men find freedom in simplicity.
We are a part of this universe, we follow the same laws laid out for everything, and we have had many men who have proven our capacity to fulfill and succeed in our place in nature. We have been successful in the “Struggle for Existence” as Darwin calls it. Now, we face modern struggles and we must expand our knowledge of the universe if we hope to survive.
These drives must stay pure if we hope to move forth and unveil the beauty of the universe, but peace is essential to this passion. We must help quell disputes between our fellow sentient beings. Tranquility originates and thrives on communication.
Language is reflected in all that is created by mankind. Creation and language are brothers.
Language allows us to reveal .
7 men teach each other techniques for growing crops.
Our mind’s power is perfectly honed by our ability to translate feelings into thoughts, thoughts into words, and words into articulable ideas.
“Most ideas that are successful are ludicrously simple” (LeWitt 221).
“From the state of the Uncarved Block comes the ability to enjoy the simple and the quiet, the natural and the plain” (Hoff 21).
There is no need to fear the unknown, because all is relative. The simple and the complex physics of the universe are intrinsically connected. Math is math, simple or complex, quantum mechanics or astrophysics.
We cannot live in fear of reality. That is a useless existence. We must conquer fear by embracing reality.
Overcoming fear is a part of freedom, and overcoming freedom is responsibility.
Perspective is a necessity on the righteous path to mental liberation.
“Things are as they are. Looking out into it the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations” (Watts).
7 men each guiding their own fate, deciding what to pick next. This is paralleled by communication, language, and brotherhood.
Working on your own and working together must be treated similarly, for we are just as important as the ones alongside us.
Humans aren’t as different from cattle as we like to imagine. We both just play the role we’re directed to play.
All of our personality features, drives, passions, understandings, and disillusions are the result of the acclimatization of oneself to the environment we reside.
“Men say they know many things;/But lo! they have taken wings,--/The arts and sciences,/And a thousand appliances;/The wind that blows/Is all that any body knows” (Thoreau 24).
We must respect and encourage initiative, because even seemingly ridiculous ideas can lead to greatness.
7 men work on a farm that most wouldn’t have imagined existing on the Bard College campus.
This is the uphill battle against mental pollution that hails down upon us as we trudge up the mountain of truth, avoiding each avalanche of fear that tries to push us down as we go. We must overcome resistance to divergent ideas.
Discovery fuels humankind.
When the instinctual ability to discover is honed, the world opens its secrets up to us.
7 men find beauty in each secret the earth’s soil covers.
A universal system of sustainable peace, a beacon of hope for all, a bright, guiding light in the darkness. A dream. An unattainable dream because evil never stops, just as a lobbyist never falters. The world’s state of affairs will continue to march on to the drums of war until it all collapses.
“With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations” (Lincoln 201).
Clouds part and the blood red sun is exposed, granting us insights, information, and instruments of progress.
Great ideas must not linger in a void of solitude. Ideas must be pampered and mulled over in the mind of the beholder, not left to acquire rust.
“Many mistakes in reasoning are explained by the fact that we are not paying sufficient attention to the situation in which we find ourselves” (McInerny 1).
Discipline is the standardization of pushing oneself to achieve. It exists as a constant reminder in the mind, jangling with each passing intellectual wind, like a chime in late October.
The disciplined man gains insight in to relativity.
“Discipline is a political anatomy of detail” (Foucault 57).
7 men, focused, working hard, and learning more about themselves with each swift motion of the hand tugging at a root.
The mind is a miraculous development and must be treated with the utmost honor.
Careful analysis is key to factual knowledge.
To be compassionate is essential to the fragile state of humankind’s coexistence with the macrocosm we dwell.
Greed can conjure itself together and metamorphosize in the deepest part of our uncontrollable souls at any moment.
It is vital we are honest with ourselves and transmit this same transparency to all of those we contact.
We lead these laborious lives trying to do well and accomplish what we can, but in the end we just go back to being what we were before, molecular matter splattered and spewed upon the canvas of the universe.
If you buy into the system, your body will be molded by the sweat initiated by superiors and your selfhood will be crafted by labor.
To conform,
To conform,
To conform,
To conform.
Some may break through the fortress of despair, but the majorities are left to reconstruct their own battered fate.
To be compassionate,
To be compassionate,
To be compassionate,
To be compassionate.
It represents the rare triumph of man over labor.
7 men work together and meticulously labor, empathy builds between them.
We lead lives devoid of both joy and happiness when our only vision is work and our accomplishments are hindered by an oppressive structure.
This takes grit, this takes learning from our mistakes and not subjecting our bodies to laborious semi-slavery.
Subjugation of innocent people by major corporations is treason to this nation, the quintessential suffocation of the Esophagus of Truth. Freedom gasps for air as the Citizens United chokes it out.
7 men are each human, all with souls growing with the very garden they tend to.
Without science, there is no philosophy, without philosophy there is no ideology, without ideology, there is no government. Without government we are lost in the pursuit of self-identification, purpose escapes us.
A fine line does exist in the void of government and anarchy.
It’s the same line that separates heaven from hell, the charitable from the thief, the just leader from the dictator, the bully from the caregiver, and good from evil.
When evil gashes into our resilient skin, we must attempt to purge it from our flesh. After we accomplish this, it cannot be left to crawl back onto our scarred skin. It must be rehabilitated.
7 men each have a story, just as everyone else. 7 men respect where each is from and what they have been through.
Every detail is an essential component of the final structure.
From genetics to our upbringing, each facet plays a role in our personality output, writing included.
Poetry is rebellious by nature.
“The possibilities for breaking laws in writing are of course infinite” (Waldrop 231).
In conclusion, words are a mystery to me. Is the development of language humanities greatest accomplishment or the most horrific instrument ever brought to earth? Did some ape-like bio-mechanical droid from 75 million light-years southwest come here and learn us up?
7 men picking vegetables, each with a unique, beautiful, human story; completely unaffected by the lingering clouds.
Silence, silence is Nirvana.