Same Gender Love
Love is us
Sometimes i think words have difference definitions because love is you.
When i look in your eyes its like im on vacation sitting by the pool like your eyes are blue.
If someone ever took you away from me i would try to sue.
Its like you without me and me without you.
that 1 plus 1 wouldn't equal that 2.
I'm bipolar in many ways.
even when it comes to me and you.
I need you to need me.
so i can want you when i don't want to.
Because when i want you i don't want to.
And when you want me i don't want you.
Its kind of complicated how that go.
But its true i know you know.
i try my hardest to keep you happy.
And not have to worry about so and so.
No one can ever compare to the love i have for you.
Because the love i have for you is simply incredible.
Its like its set in stone.
Don't ever let me go.
I put you through a rough time.
but it only makes us grow.
I love you with all my soul.
So i wanna make you happy.
And I wanna see you glow.
Don't ever grow unhappy with me.
Cause i don't want to see you go.