Sama-Sama (Tagalog for 'all together')
As the saying goes, in the city of the blind
The one eyed man is king
Well in the town of the mute, glorious is he who sings
And when the majority is deaf, he who listens is left,
To tell the blind and the mute what to do
This is how society works, a winding way of whispers and whimpers
Cowards and sinners
By standers, passers by
Questioners only answered by… other questioners
Bold adventurers preyed on my vultures
Critical thinker claiming to be open minded
But close their minds to the slightest criticism
Rebels with causes bluntly preaching anarchism
They could care less about your picket sign and what it says
A shame that your best efforts render them powerful
Still, like ants of a colony live lives of aimlessly running
Knowing nothing but do what their society designed them to do
There are causes to be discussed, and ideas not to me dismissed
Civilians who choose to resist, and millions claiming to exist
Black and white gradation, but the gray areas stretch for miles
This is not choosing sides, but changing minds
With out manipulation, a soul is born, and forever free
Sing! Kumbaya! Ku De Ta
All together, Sama-sama