Sad System
You make me sit,
For endless hours,
For endless years,
Working toward a goal.
You force me into interaction
With those who hate me
And tell me not to talk
To those I count as friends.
You tell me to express myself,
Just not in that way.
You tell me be yourself!
Just be sure who you are
Is like everyone else.
You tell me to get involved
Don’t forget your social life,
Oh and you need money for that!
But don’t forget your grades.
You demand I learn
In ways that don’t fit me.
You tell me not to compare
Myself to others-
You do it for me.
And you know what your name is?
Your name is School!
Your name is Our Education System!
You give us tips and tricks
To pass the test!
But I should learn!
Not cram and forget!
This thing you are,
Is a failure!
You expect so much
And give nothing in return!
A real education
Wouldn’t cram us so full
The knowledge spills over
To be left behind!
Teach me! Don’t stuff me!
And give me a chance!
But you need money,
And so you need students
To excel at tests,
Not at life.
And so we go wearily on,
In a sad system,
That needs reform.