Roses are red, violets are blue,
Theres noone in this world,
Id rather be with than you,
Counting the petals,
I love you, i love you not,
Counting and counting,
Connecting the dots,
Fitting all the pieces,
You have to my heart,
Painting a picture,
A special kind of art,
The kind you hold forever in your heart,
Forever; adverb; for all future time and for always,
Eturnity; noun; infinate or unending time,
The amount of time i want to spend with you,
Rose; noun; prickly bush that typically bears,
Red fragrance flower,
We to are just like roses,
We arent perfect,
We dont even come close,
We have prickles, we make mistakes, we hurt,
But even so,
I myself choose the best fragrance in you,
And no matter what,
You will always be my rose,
- Jade Robinson