Rose Thorns
Far too often does a young boy hear
"You throw like a girl, toughen up kid!"
As if being a girl is something to fear
The moment we are born we are shamed
Cover this, don't say that, be a lady, my dear
As if being a girl is something to fear
Our hair is pulled, our looks are teased
The same routine on the playground, year after year
As if being a girl is something to fear
Degraded and belittled, we are taught to be simple
And that "Boys will be boys"
Gender equality steadily being destroyed
As if being a girl is something to fear, boys are taught that no, you do not wear pink, and only girls have pearls and sparkles adorning their ears.
As if being a female is wrong
But when did being a woman become wrong?
Take a close look at politics, or turn on a rap song
Shake this, wiggle that,
Women only being acknowledged if she has every admirable trait intact
Yet when a woman possesses too much, she is called a cow
No man wants that is what she believes now
And upon all of this misogyny and this abundance of inequality
Women continue to hate each other
Degrade each other
And persuade each other
To disrespect themselves
As if society doesn't already place impossible standards on the social shelves
Women must unite and form boths with each other
No longer shall our unity be smothered
The women of today lack empowerment
And rather than fighting for it they fight each other for men providing endowment
Being a woman is beautiful, for we walk on five inch pillars
Compassionate, intelligent and creative, yet unity is the missing filler
Women must not fight to earn the respect of society because it is in fact a natural born right.
Women must unite in order to end this internal plight.
Men and women were created equal is what must be made clear
And make it known that being a woman shouldd not be feared.
If given the change to cause enourmous change I'd say
That I know I can take on the world, so being a woman never scared me anyway.