Right of Nature
How can you look at me and say
that I,
snow that comes on a Christmas Eve, sweeping with the wind's influence,
have more power, more beauty, more right to be on this earth
than the rich, deep earthiness of the mud after a rain,
the sparkling sands of the desert,
the clay beneath the earth,
any other rich color
that lends itself to beauty the space
that we call a home.
How can you look at me and say that I,
an upright tree, standing tall against a storm,
have more right to breathe
than a willow, waving in the breeze to meet with another
or the butterflies that flit through the meadow, beating wings as they play
all creating the environment
that finds itself wrought in our soul, that we long for in its majesty.
Nature does not lend itself to predjudice, instead equally inviting and ruthless to all, no matter the face or circumstance.
The phrase "but we are only human" presents itself not for oppression as we have used it, but exists to equalize all.
The right to live is not given by color or sexuality, but by existence.