Rhetorical Questions
Just how much of a blessing must it be
To return to the shelter of your home and see
That nothing has been damaged, displaced,
Or stolen and gone without a trace?
How much of a privilege is it to simply have a home,
One that may be filled with a family that ensures you’re never alone,
Or memories immortal and solid as stone
That possess such significance, they can’t be cloned.
Do you fully understand what a relief
It is to walk down your neighborhood street
Without worry of a gang of self-proclaimed elites
Seeking examples they can use to remind locals who’s chief?
You do, now that I’ve brought these facts to your attention,
But our tension-tempered lives can be of such repetition,
That our minds are subjected to retention
That spares the barriers of our realities from fierce contention.
I find it ironic that, when we are reminded
Of the very same luxuries that render us blinded,
They serve to spurn us to attain introspective comprehension
Of the struggles of those who fight to simply keep their lives in suspension.
However, even when making such an analysis,
Our vision often fails to extend beyond the surface,
As our influences fall victim to paralysis
When we fail to address problems with a purpose
To alert others that we can make an impact
Deep enough to keep this world intact,
And launch a journey to learn more
About waters that were previously unexplored.
Just how tragic must it be
For families whose lives have been inverted
As a result of warring armies
That have unexpectedly converted
Once-tranquil lands of production and prosperity
Into barren battlegrounds of great disparity
Amongst supplies, resources, and a will
To believe that the storm will ever be made still?
How devastating is it to know
That you possess no transportation to go
To a facility of quality medication
Upon contracting an illness impervious to the alleviation
Of drugs that would ordinarily ensure physical mediation?
Do you ever stop and consider what it is like
To be one of an entire people who serve as the mic
That amplifies the voice of a dictator, whose every command
Directs the path of your life and shapes an entire land?
Can you answer any of these questions without receiving an urge
To ignite a powerful campaign that will merge
An expanding, growing community of people who strive to purge
Poverty, inequality, and war from this world with actions as much as words?
If not, then you are already on your way
To reaching out to countless lives in disarray,
For awareness that is void of action
Causes the vehicle of change to lose traction
From a road that’s filled with much entropy,
Yet leads to endless possibilities.
But when your state of realization
Translates into a state of initiation,
Witness the new dimension that results from the extension
Of your mind beyond an environment that limits your vision,
Making you short-sighted of particles waiting to be excited,
And darkened souls waiting to be lighted.