Why don't people learn previous mistakes?
You're suppose to learn from your mistakes and not repeat them.
You're suppose to take care of your children and not leave them.
You're supose to take responsibility for your own actions and not blame the whole world for your ways of life.
When will you realise you're not 18 anymore and be rolling around with the thugs and getting strung up on them drugs. You're a man with 4 children with all different baby mamas that you don't even take care of.
A baby you don't acknoledge, instead you would rather run in the streets instead of help raise your children.
Bet you don't know how stupid you look a 40year running streets with a bunch of teens. It's time for you to act your age and take responsiblity for choices you made.
You hurt the people who love you the most.
Look at you now back in the jail cell doing three years,
Are you proud of yourself?
All the people you emotionally and physically damaged.
4 children growing up without a daddy.
You must be really proud of the man you have become.
All I know is that I can see the mistakes you have done I will never follow in your foot steps
I will walk the other path. The path to success.
I will never let you hurt me again
I'm gone no longer yours.
you made your choice long ago I will no longer try to defend you.
I'm done...
While you're sitting in that cell I hope you realise your mistakes and the people you hurt.
Maybe when you get your act together we can rebuild our father daughter relationsip again.
Until then good bye.