I once heard
That if you repeat something enough times
It loses its meaning
And before i heard it
I knew the principal
But never put it into words
And in my silent, dark room I repeated:
Dumbass, dumbass, dumbass, dumbass,
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid,
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch
And any other insult i could think of
So they would not wound me in battle
And with enough repetition they were nothing
Except maybe a clear fact in my head
I was nothing
I was a bitch
I was a dumbass
And I was stupid
There was also no doubt in my mind
That i deserved to be called that
So i kept repeating more until it became nothing
I kept repeating more until it too became a fact
And then i stepped back from the girl i created.
She was tough when it came to others
But so weak on the inside one word could make her topple over.
She was secluded.
I wanted to help her
So i let her out of her iron, emotional cage
Not realizing the scars she had
From trying to get out
And released her into the world
But she was too wounded to know what to do
And would try to be herself
But would always remember her cage
And on certain nights even though she was grateful to be out,
She wanted to go back into the confinement
Afterall, everything she heard in there was a fact.