Phaethon, who was set by jealousy, drove the sun
He drove the Sun too high, too low
He froze the Earth and set it ablaze
But that was then and this is now
It’s time for the tale of the repercussions
The Sun Chariot once was set on the perfect path
A circle set to orbit the Earth
So long as the horses were kept in line
But if that line was broken
The gods would find it near impossible
To regain that perfect circle
And Phaethon’s disastrous trip
Has doomed the rest of time
Sure, the orbit has changed once or twice
We all know the Ice Ages
But the line had never broken
Until the son took his father’s car
And rammed into a tree
And with this broken line
No matter how many times they tried to repair it
Was no longer a perfect fit
And the car that was once semi-autonomous
Had now become manual
And if the slightest mistake is made
Be it a late gear shift or stalling out
The path would be broken again
So now the Sun travels on a different path
A circle still, but no longer perfect
A flawed imitation of what came before
One that circles in
Pulled closer day by day
The Sun had become
A coin in a gravity well
A car that pulls right
A battle of strength between a broken track and gods
As Helios struggles day in, day out
Trying to keep the Sun aligned
Keeping the distance as to not burn the Earth
But day by day the battle is lost
The defeats were miniscule at first
The track shrunk a centimeter on the first day
Helios stalled on the second
The horses grazed on the third
They had a late start on the fourth
But these losses add up
Not noticeable for a time
But as the years went on
The Earth warmed up
Now Demeter is mad, as are the Seasons
They’re no longer useful and all out of sync
The people are suffering
The environment too
Poor Helios stares at the world down below
Stares at the ice melting below
Stares at the Winter, so warm with less snow
Stares at the Summer, so blistering hot
Poor Helios returns to his battle uphill
Helios sighs as he hears the cries
“Global Warming and Climate Change
Will be the death of us all”
And Helios knows with certainty
That if Pheathon had never drove
And the car had never crashed
That the track would be perfect
And the Earth would be fine
But Phaethon had died
For mistakes that he made
Died for a future the gods hoped to save
And despite the best efforts
The battles are lost
So now as we stand
Centuries later
We all suffer through
A dying planet
A changing world
At the hands of Phaethon
And the repercussions
Of an action long gone