Remember to Love
I love when the sun warms my face
When the clouds drift slowly away
When the earth produces life;
The trees that fill my lungs with oxygen
And give me shade on a sunny day.
I love the wind that lifts my hair, soothing my scalp
I love my bed that conforms to the shape of my body
And holds me when I’m sad and depressed
Can’t forget my pillow that supports my head.
The Toms that cradle my feet when I walk
The black sweater that protects me and shields me away
I especially love the woman who gave birth to me, whom we share the same name
I love my pit, however spoiled and stubborn he may be
The many journals that hold my thoughts and dreams
The empty canvas that waits patiently to carry the weight of my paint
The device that stores my favorite songs
I love what the future awaits, whatever it may bring
I love the past because it made me, me
Life is full of abundant things, things I take for granted
That is why I try to remember to love every last thing