my family hates me, and i’m not adoptable
any adversary that must meet my mental chaos
drowns in an unattainable goal
beautiful people that the blackness and despair poisons, please forgive me
my grandmother gets angry at me for anorexia
and i feel as alone in the bed as I will in a coffin
consistently craving acceptance in forms of confirmation
conformity hurting me and yet no salvation
what’s left to do? drown in my sobriety or rise in relapse
close friends feel helpless because I make it so
and there’s nothing i can change when there’s so little left to do
bearing witness to supportive families keeps igniting my jealousy as I crave further for acceptance and love
none of my tears will ever solve the dilemma: that the human born without a solid family began
the human began to grow up and develop personality
beginning to grow from a mother’s multiple absences
beginning to accept all the abuses that a father inflicts
beginning to understand all the unlovable traits
ending a happy life.
i want those vacations where the car broke down and the family exploded
the bonding and conversations had that led to discovery of each individual
but i’m stuck in the town of cary
walking dilapidated sidewalks
dreaming of attaining something that everybody else takes for granted.
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I wish I could be one of those RAH! RAH! people who could give you guidance and encouragement, and tell you profound things that would change your life in monumental ways. But unfortunately, I had a pretty sucky life too, alway's wishing I could have a normal family filled with love and laughter, always wishing I could be adopted out to any other family in the world except mine, lol.
But, what I can tell you, is, you are not alone. You are connected to a vast community of people just like you, who were ripped off of good and happy childhoods. You may not know it, but with your hauntingly, beautiful writings you are reaching out to us and connecting to a family of sorts. All of us disfunctional people who put our lives to paper (so to speak) in order to tell others that we are important, we do matter, no matter how screwed up our lives were. We do matter and we aren't going to take it lying down.
SO. anyways. Thats my take on it. Just thought I'd tell you I feel very connected to your writings and I really love them and your are touching at least one person in this vast world.
You are so welcome. I did'nt get your reply in my e-mail and I've been searching for you ever since. I just accidently found you. Reading your words made me feel instantly connected to you. With your beautiful words, I don't see why you can't be an advocate. This is the same reason I write. I have had people ask me how I could put such personal information out there for the world to see in my poetry and stories and I have alway's said " if I can help one single person, just one, then my horrible childhood will not be a waste". I will read the rest of your stuff. Please feel free to read mine. I'm having a hard time finding my way around this site so I'll just bookmark you so I don't ose you