Red Riding Cloak
It was a cloak,
Not a hood,
And my sweets were
More than “good.”
And traversing the forest
All on my own?
Well it scared me, alright.
Down to my bones.
But you do what you have to
When Granny’s sick in bed,
So I fought off my nerves
And prayed she wasn’t dead.
The wolf? He was big
With claws and ears and eyes,
But what my story forgets
Is that he was really a spy.
See back in our town
There’s only one shop
With our secret recipe
The rest is just slop.
There were others around
That wanted the fame
And worse than all that
They were lacking in shame.
One bakery in particular
Was willing to play bad,
Mr. Wolf’s Sweets,
And boy was he mad.
It was unfair, he thought,
That we were so good,
Oh, why couldn’t he just
Understand where he stood?
So, Mr. Wolf ate up Granny
And would have eaten me, too,
If not for the woodsman,
I think he’s named Hugh.
He barged in asking for cookies,
I think,
Then saw what was wrong,
And killed Mr. Wolf in a blink.
Then I cut good ol’ Granny
Out of Mr. Wolf’s gut,
And she made me a new cloak
Out of that good for nothing mutt.