Reality - An Original Poem By Evelynn Lammlin
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet, and perhaps so are you
But the roses have wilted
The violets have died
And the sugar has spilled
The view is fogged
The sky is dying
And you’ve ended your life
The silver lining is missing
I’m following your footsteps
I’m standing alone, in the dark
So far from the sun
Your last words were simple but meant so much
“Don’t cry, I died a while back”
The bond we formed has shattered
My dreams have gone missing
Our tears are no longer shared
The cuts are no longer hidden
My smile is gone
They can see the tears
But nobody noticed
Nobody cared
Tears on my face, memories burned in my head;
The roses have wilted
The violets are dead
The garden has died
As well as my hope
I miss the old me
The happy me
The popular me
The funny me
But she died with you
All of me...
All of me died with you