The Real Me
How awkward it can be.
Concerned looks,
I feel so uncomfrotable.
HIding in my skin,
I find the real person I am.
And to be honest...
The real me scares me.
The real me is dark.
Witha heart that is stone cold
And fears and insecurities
that are oh so real.
I feel the glares of disapproval
and the whispers under their breaths.
I know who they are talking about;
What makes me such an interesting topic?
Is it the way I dress?
Or the way I talk?
Maybe it's my attitude.
No matter.
If they actually knew me,
they'd dare not speak my name.
I am a a decietful person.
Someone full of hatred.
Someone fearful of rejection.
and afraid to speak their mind.
So what do I do?
My mind and heart get busy
They get to building a wall
Not to keep those out,
But to wonder if anyone wants to break it down.
Have I found anyone?
Anyone at all who cares?
But for this I can't be certain.
You can never turly know.
Nothing in life is certain.
Why not?
Shouldn't at least something in life be guaranteed?
Life is a mystery.
A quest, even.
To find your true self.
I've found myself,
The real me...
At least,
I think I have..