Read This When You Have a Goal (Support)
My Sweet Boy,
I hear you have set a new goal. I'm glad you have something you want in mind.
I'm glad you have something to go after and achive. I want you to know I beleive
in you. You can do anything you want in life and if you need help, I'm here. Your
goals are important to you and therefore, imortant to me. I want you to go after
what you want. It might be hard. It might be risky. You might lose things on the
way to those goals; people, time, money, and so much more. The person you want
to become can be expensive, time consuming, harsh, or hard to reach, but that doesn't
mean it's impossible. So go after what you want, I support you no matter what.
I can't wait to see you grow and become successful.